Texas State Affordable Housing Corporation

Notice of Request for Proposals for Financial Advisor Services

Notice is hereby given of a Request for Proposals (RFP) by TSAHC for professional Financial Advisor Services under TSAHC's Single Family and Multifamily Private Activity Bond Programs. Entities interested in providing these services must submit all the materials listed in the RFP which can be found on TSAHC's website at

The deadline for submissions in response to this RFP is Friday, March 7, 2025. Responses should be emailed to Michael Wilt at Faxed responses will not be accepted. For questions or comments, please contact Michael Wilt at (512) 334-2157 or by email at


David Long


Texas State Affordable Housing Corporation

Filed: January 29, 2025

Notice of Request for Proposals for Single Family Programs Counsel

Notice is hereby given of a Request for Proposals (RFP) by TSAHC for Single Family Programs Counsel for the Corporation. Entities interested in providing legal counsel services must submit all the materials listed in the RFP which can be found on the Corporation's website at

The deadline for submissions in response to this RFP is Friday, March 7, 2025. Responses should be emailed to Michael Wilt at Faxed responses will not be accepted. For questions or comments, please contact Michael Wilt at (512) 334-2157 or by email at


David Long


Texas State Affordable Housing Corporation

Filed: January 29, 2025

Notice of Request for Proposals for Website Redesign Services

Notice is hereby given of a Request for Proposals (RFP) by TSAHC for Website Redesign Services for the Corporation's website. Entities interested in providing these services must submit all the materials listed in the RFP which can be found on TSAHC's website at

The deadline for submissions in response to this RFP is Friday, March 14, 2025. Faxed responses will not be accepted. For questions or comments, please contact Michael Wilt at (512) 334-2157 or by email at


David Long


Texas State Affordable Housing Corporation

Filed: January 29, 2025

Comptroller of Public Accounts

Notice of Eligibility of Appraised Value

In compliance with Property Tax Code, §6.425(g), the Comptroller of Public Accounts has determined that a property's minimum appraised value for the 2025 tax year, as determined by the local appraisal district, must be $61,349,201 to be eligible for a protest hearing in front of a local appraisal review board special panel for that tax year.

Inquiries may be submitted to Shannon Murphy, Director, Property Tax Assistance Division, P.O. Box 13528, Austin, Texas 78711 or to the email address:

Issued in Austin, Texas, on January 22, 2025.


Victoria North

General Counsel for Fiscal and Agency Affairs

Comptroller of Public Accounts

Filed: January 22, 2025

Office of Consumer Credit Commissioner

Notice of Rate Ceilings

The Consumer Credit Commissioner of Texas has ascertained the following rate ceilings by use of the formulas and methods described in §303.003, and §303.009, Texas Finance Code.

The weekly ceiling as prescribed by §303.003 and §303.009 for the period of 02/03/25 - 02/09/25 is 18.00% for consumer1 credit.

The weekly ceiling as prescribed by §303.003 and §303.009 for the period of 02/03/25 - 02/09/25 is 18.00% for commercial2 credit.

1 Credit for personal, family, or household use.

2 Credit for business, commercial, investment, or other similar purpose.


Leslie L. Pettijohn


Office of Consumer Credit Commissioner

Filed: January 28, 2025

Texas Commission on Environmental Quality

Agreed Orders

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ or commission) staff is providing an opportunity for written public comment on the listed Agreed Orders (AOs) in accordance with Texas Water Code (TWC), §7.075. TWC, §7.075, requires that before the commission may approve the AOs, the commission shall allow the public an opportunity to submit written comments on the proposed AOs. TWC, §7.075, requires that notice of the proposed orders and the opportunity to comment must be published in the Texas Register no later than the 30th day before the date on which the public comment period closes, which in this case is March 11, 2025. TWC, §7.075, also requires that the commission promptly consider any written comments received and that the commission may withdraw or withhold approval of an AO if a comment discloses facts or considerations that indicate that consent is inappropriate, improper, inadequate, or inconsistent with the requirements of the statutes and rules within the commission's jurisdiction or the commission's orders and permits issued in accordance with the commission's regulatory authority. Additional notice of changes to a proposed AO is not required to be published if those changes are made in response to written comments.

A copy of each proposed AO is available for public inspection at both the commission's central office, located at 12100 Park 35 Circle, Building C, 1st Floor, Austin, Texas 78753, (512) 239-2545 and at the applicable regional office listed as follows. Written comments about an AO should be sent to the enforcement coordinator designated for each AO at the commission's central office at P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087 and must be received by 5:00 p.m. on March 11, 2025. Written comments may also be sent by facsimile machine to the enforcement coordinator at (512) 239-2550. The commission's enforcement coordinators are available to discuss the AOs and/or the comment procedure at the listed phone numbers; however, TWC, §7.075, provides that comments on the AOs shall be submitted to the commission in writing.

(1) COMPANY: Aqua Texas, Incorporated; DOCKET NUMBER: 2024-0952-PWS-E; IDENTIFIER: RN102677622; LOCATION: Cypress, Harris County; TYPE OF FACILITY: public water supply; RULES VIOLATED: 30 TAC §290.106(f)(3)(C) and Texas Health and Safety Code, §341.0315(c), by failing to comply with the maximum contaminant level of 0.010 milligrams per liter for arsenic based on a running annual average; PENALTY: $1,437; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Ilia Perez-Ramirez, (713) 767-3743; REGIONAL OFFICE: 5425 Polk Street, Suite H, Houston, Texas 77023-1452, (713) 767-3500.

(2) COMPANY: Azteca Milling, L.P.; DOCKET NUMBER: 2022-1477-AIR-E; IDENTIFIER: RN100215086; LOCATION: Plainview, Hale County; TYPE OF FACILITY: corn milling plant; RULES VIOLATED: 30 TAC §116.115(c) and §122.143(4), New Source Review Permit Number 19383, Special Conditions Number 17.C., Federal Operating Permit (FOP) Number 3468, General Terms and Conditions (GTC) and Special Terms and Conditions (STC) Number 7, and Texas Health and Safety Code (THSC), §382.085(b), by failing to identify all required information on the Method 9 Visible Emission Observation Forms; and 30 TAC §122.143(4) and §122.145(2)(A) - (C), FOP Number O3468, GTC, and THSC, §382.085(b), by failing to report all instances of deviations, failing to submit a deviation report for at least each six-month period after permit issuance, and failing to submit the deviation report no later than 30 days after the end of each reporting period; PENALTY: $33,150; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Trenton White, (903) 535-5155; REGIONAL OFFICE: 2916 Teague Drive, Tyler, Texas 75701-3734, (903) 535-5100.

(3) COMPANY: BRACKEN VILLAGE, LTD.; DOCKET NUMBER: 2024-1042-PWS-E; IDENTIFIER: RN104790274; LOCATION: San Antonio, Comal County; TYPE OF FACILITY: public water supply; RULES VIOLATED: 30 TAC §290.39(e) and (h)(1) and Texas Health and Safety Code (THSC), §341.035(a), by failing to submit plans and specifications to the executive director (ED) for review and approval prior to the construction of a new public water supply; 30 TAC §290.41(c)(3)(A), by failing to submit well completion data for review and approval prior to placing the facility's public drinking water well into service; 30 TAC §290.46(d)(2)(A) and §290.110(b)(4) and THSC, §341.0315(c), by failing to maintain a disinfectant residual of at least 0.2 milligrams per liter of free chlorine throughout the distribution system at all times; and 30 TAC §290.46(e)(4)(A) and THSC, §341.033(a), by failing to operate the facility under the direct supervision of a water works operator who holds an applicable, valid Class D or higher ground water license issued by the ED; PENALTY: $10,765; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Taner Hengst, (512) 239-1143; REGIONAL OFFICE: P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087, (512) 239-2545.

(4) COMPANY: BW GRAYSON BUSINESS PARK ASSOCIATION, INCORPORATED; DOCKET NUMBER: 2024-0010-PWS-E; IDENTIFIER: RN108521550; LOCATION: Houston, Harris County; TYPE OF FACILITY: public water supply; RULES VIOLATED: 30 TAC §290.107(f)(1) and Texas Health and Safety Code, §341.0315(c), by failing to comply with the maximum contaminant level of 0.1 milligrams per liter for monochlorobenzene, based on a running annual average; PENALTY: $1,625; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Tessa Bond, (512) 239-1269; REGIONAL OFFICE: P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087, (512) 239-2545.

(5) COMPANY: City of Kerrville; DOCKET NUMBER: 2024-0951-PWS-E; IDENTIFIER: RN101425296; LOCATION: Kerrville, Kerr County; TYPE OF FACILITY: public water supply; RULES VIOLATED: 30 TAC §290.115(f)(1) and Texas Health and Safety Code, §341.0315(c), by failing to comply with the maximum contaminant level of 0.80 milligrams per liter for total trihalomethanes, based on the locational running annual average; PENALTY: $2,500; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Ronica Rodriguez Scott, (512) 239-2510; REGIONAL OFFICE: P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087, (512) 239-2545.

(6) COMPANY: City of Lubbock; DOCKET NUMBER: 2023-1324-MSW-E; IDENTIFIER: RN102327491; LOCATION: Abernathy, Lubbock County; TYPE OF FACILITY: Type I landfill; RULES VIOLATED: 30 TAC §330.139 and §330.145, Municipal Solid Waste Permit Number 2252, and Site Operating Plan (SOP) Section 11, Control of Windblown Solid Waste and Litter and SOP Section 14, Materials Along the Route to the Site, by failing to maintain and operate the working face in a manner to control windblown waste, and failing to conduct at least once per day cleanup of waste materials spilled along and within the right-of-way of public access roads serving the facility for a distance of two miles in either direction from any entrances used for delivery of waste to the facility; PENALTY: $6,750; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Celicia Garza, (210) 657-8422; REGIONAL OFFICE: 14250 Judson Road, San Antonio, Texas 78233-4480, (210) 492-3096.

(7) COMPANY: DEVON ENERGY PRODUCTION COMPANY, L.P.; DOCKET NUMBER: 2023-0757-PWS-E; IDENTIFIER: RN107853079; LOCATION: Cuero, Dewitt County; TYPE OF FACILITY: public water supply; RULES VIOLATED: 30 TAC §290.115(f)(1) and Texas Health and Safety Code, §341.0315(c), by failing to comply with the maximum contaminant level of 0.080 milligram per liter for total trihalomethanes, based on the locational running annual average; PENALTY: $1,125; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Wyatt Throm, (512) 239-1120; REGIONAL OFFICE: P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087, (512) 239-2545.

(8) COMPANY: Drive-In USA, Incorporated; DOCKET NUMBER: 2022-1617-PWS-E; IDENTIFIER: RN103173431; LOCATION: Lubbock, Lubbock County; TYPE OF FACILITY: public water supply; RULES VIOLATED: 30 TAC §290.41(c)(3)(A), by failing to submit well completion data for review and approval prior to placing the facility's public drinking water well into service; 30 TAC §290.42(j), by failing to use an approved chemical or media for the disinfection of potable water that conforms to the American National Standards Institute/National Sanitation Foundation Standard 60 for Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals; 30 TAC §290.46(f)(2) and (3)(B)(iv), by failing to maintain water works operation and maintenance records and make them readily available for review by the Executive Director upon request; 30 TAC §290.46(m)(1)(B), by failing to inspect the facility's two pressure tanks annually; and 30 TAC §290.46(s)(2)(C)(i), by failing to verify the accuracy of the manual disinfectant residual analyzer at least once every 90 days using chlorine solutions of known concentrations; PENALTY: $1,926; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Claudia Bartley, (512) 239-1116; REGIONAL OFFICE: P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087, (512) 239-2545.

(9) COMPANY: HALLE PROPERTIES, L.L.C. dba Discount Tire; DOCKET NUMBER: 2024-0097-MSW-E; IDENTIFIER: RN111461885; LOCATION: Beaumont, Jefferson County; TYPE OF FACILITY: new, used and scrap tire business; RULE VIOLATED: 30 TAC §328.58(a), by failing to maintain a complete and correct record of each individual load of used or scrap tires or tire pieces transported from the facility; PENALTY: $625; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Eunice Adegelu, (512) 239-5082; REGIONAL OFFICE: 5425 Polk Street, Suite H, Houston, Texas 77023-1452, (713) 767-3500.

(10) COMPANY: Helms Trail Properties, Incorporated; DOCKET NUMBER: 2024-0719-MWD-E; IDENTIFIER: RN104624770; LOCATION: Forney, Kaufman County; TYPE OF FACILITY: wastewater treatment facility; RULES VIOLATED: 30 TAC §305.125(1), TWC, §26.121(a)(1), and Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit Number WQ0014627001, Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Requirements Numbers 1 and 6, by failing to comply with permitted effluent limitations; PENALTY: $17,875; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Samantha Smith, (512) 239-2099; REGIONAL OFFICE: 5425 Polk Street, Suite H, Houston, Texas 77023-1452, (713) 767-3500.

(11) COMPANY: Howard Water Supply Corporation; DOCKET NUMBER: 2024-0920-PWS-E; IDENTIFIER: RN101233955; LOCATION: Waxahachie, Ellis County; TYPE OF FACILITY: public water supply; RULES VIOLATED: 30 TAC §290.46(k), by failing to obtain approval from the Executive Director for the use of interconnections; and 30 TAC §290.46(z), by failing to create a nitrification action plan for all systems distributing chloraminated water; PENALTY: $1,000; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Emerson Rinewalt, (512) 239-1131; REGIONAL OFFICE: P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087, (512) 239-2545.

(12) COMPANY: Hudson Water Supply Corporation; DOCKET NUMBER: 2024-1038-PWS-E; IDENTIFIER: RN101455954; LOCATION: Lufkin, Angelina County; TYPE OF FACILITY: public water supply; RULES VIOLATED: 30 TAC §290.115(f)(1) and Texas Health and Safety Code, §341.0315(c), by failing to comply with the maximum contaminant level of 0.080 milligrams per liter for total trihalomethanes, based on the locational running annual average; PENALTY: $4,250; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Rachel Frey, (512) 239-4330; REGIONAL OFFICE: P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087, (512) 239-2545.

(13) COMPANY: I.M.C. WASTE DISPOSAL, INCORPORATED; DOCKET NUMBER: 2024-0855-MSW-E; IDENTIFIER: RN101306082; LOCATION: Wichita Falls, Wichita County; TYPE OF FACILITY: Type V municipal solid waste (MSW) processing facility; RULES VIOLATED: 30 TAC §330.127(2) and MSW Processing Permit Number 2229A, Part IV Site Operating Plan (SOP), Section 4.2 - Equipment, by failing to update the SOP with a description, including the minimum number, size, type, and function, of the equipment utilized at the facility; and 30 TAC §330.209(a) and (c) and §330.227 and MSW Processing Permit Number 2229A, Part IV SOP, Sections 4.7 - Storage Requirements and 4.12 - Spill Prevention and Control, by failing to ensure that storage and processing areas are designed to control and contain spills and contaminated water from leaving the facility, and failing to store all solid waste in a manner that does not constitute a fire, safety, or health hazard which includes utilizing storage containers of an adequate size and strength, and in sufficient numbers, to contain all solid waste generated in the period of time between collections and store all liquid waste in an enclosed building, vessel, or container; PENALTY: $3,801; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Eresha DeSilva, (512) 239-5084; REGIONAL OFFICE: 5425 Polk Street, Suite H, Houston, Texas 77023-1452, (713) 767-3500.

(14) COMPANY: MANVEL TERRACE UTILITIES, INCORPORATED; DOCKET NUMBER: 2024-0472-PWS-E; IDENTIFIER: RN101269579; LOCATION: Pearland, Brazoria County; TYPE OF FACILITY: public water supply; RULES VIOLATED: 30 TAC §290.41(c)(3)(M), by failing to provide a suitable sampling cock on the discharge pipe of the facility's Well Number 1 prior to any treatment; 30 TAC §290.43(e), by failing to install all potable water storage tanks and pressure maintenance facilities in a lockable building that is designed to prevent intruder access or enclosed by an intruder-resistant fence with lockable gates; 30 TAC §290.46(f)(2) and (3)(A)(iv), (D)(ii), and (5)(A), by failing to maintain water works operation and maintenance records and make them readily available for review by the executive director upon request; 30 TAC §290.46(i), by failing to adopt an adequate plumbing ordinance, regulations, or service agreement with provisions for proper enforcement to ensure that neither cross-connections nor other unacceptable plumbing practices are permitted; 30 TAC §290.46(m), by failing to properly maintain the good working condition and general appearance of the system's facilities and equipment; and 30 TAC §290.46(n)(2), by failing to make available an accurate and up-to-date map of the distribution system so that valves and mains can be easily located during emergencies; PENALTY: $1,995; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Emerson Rinewalt, (512) 239-1131; REGIONAL OFFICE: P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087, (512) 239-2545.

(15) COMPANY: MISSION INDEV, LLC; DOCKET NUMBER: 2024-0969-PWS-E; IDENTIFIER: RN101232288; LOCATION: Houston, Harris County; TYPE OF FACILITY: public water supply; RULES VIOLATED: 30 TAC §290.42(e)(5), by failing to house the hypochlorination solution containers in a secure enclosure to protect them from adverse weather conditions and vandalism; 30 TAC §290.46(m), by failing to initiate maintenance and housekeeping practices to ensure the good working condition and general appearance of the system's facilities and equipment; and 30 TAC §290.46(m)(4), by failing to maintain all water treatment units, storage and pressure maintenance facilities, distribution system lines, and related appurtenances in a watertight condition and free of excessive solids; PENALTY: $660; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Mason DeMasi, (210) 657-8425; REGIONAL OFFICE: 14250 Judson Road, San Antonio, Texas 78233-4480, (210) 492-3096.

(16) COMPANY: NextEra Water Texas, LLC; DOCKET NUMBER: 2024-0990-PWS-E; IDENTIFIER: RN105160642; LOCATION: Aransas Pass, Aransas County; TYPE OF FACILITY: public water supply; RULES VIOLATED: 30 TAC §290.115(f)(1) and Texas Health and Safety Code, §341.0315(c), by failing to comply with the maximum contaminant level of 0.080 milligrams per liter for total trihalomethanes, based on the locational running annual average; PENALTY: $1,275; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Mason DeMasi, (210) 657-8425; REGIONAL OFFICE: 14250 Judson Road, San Antonio, Texas 78233-4480, (210) 492-3096.

(17) COMPANY: Stepping Stone Ministry, Incorporated; DOCKET NUMBER: 2023-1040-PWS-E; IDENTIFIER: RN106505100; LOCATION: Midland, Midland County; TYPE OF FACILITY: public water supply; RULES VIOLATED: 30 TAC §290.106(f)(2) and Texas Health and Safety Code (THSC), §341.031(a), by failing to comply with the acute maximum contaminant level (MCL) of ten milligrams per liter (mg/L) for nitrate; and 30 TAC §290.115(f)(1) and THSC, §341.0315(c), by failing to comply with the MCL of 0.080 mg/L for total trihalomethanes, based on the locational running annual average; PENALTY: $11,125; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Corinna Willis, (512) 239-2504; REGIONAL OFFICE: P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087, (512) 239-2545.

(18) COMPANY: Texas Water Utilities, L.P.; DOCKET NUMBER: 2024-0559-PWS-E; IDENTIFIER: RN101380889; LOCATION: Mabank, Henderson County; TYPE OF FACILITY: public water supply; RULES VIOLATED: 30 TAC §290.115(f)(1) and §290.122(b)(2)(A) and (f) and Texas Health and Safety Code, §341.0315(c), by failing to comply with the maximum contaminant level (MCL) of 0.080 milligrams per liter for total trihalomethanes (TTHM), based on the locational running annual average, and failing to provide public notification, accompanied with a signed Certificate of Delivery, to the Executive Director regarding the failure to comply with the MCL for TTHM during the fourth quarter of 2023; PENALTY: $2,625; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Emerson Rinewalt, (512) 239-1131; REGIONAL OFFICE: P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087, (512) 239-2545.

(19) COMPANY: Town of Combes; DOCKET NUMBER: 2024-0651-PWS-E; IDENTIFIER: RN101259299; LOCATION: Combes, Cameron County; TYPE OF FACILITY: public water supply; RULES VIOLATED: 30 TAC §290.39(o)(3) and §290.45(h)(1), by failing to adopt and submit to the Executive Director a complete Emergency Preparedness Plan that demonstrates the facility's ability to provide emergency operations; PENALTY: $55; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Ronica Rodriguez Scott, (512) 239-2510; REGIONAL OFFICE: P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087, (512) 239-2545.

(20) COMPANY: Town of Holiday Lakes; DOCKET NUMBER: 2024-0573-PWS-E; IDENTIFIER: RN102691359; LOCATION: Holiday Lakes, Brazoria County; TYPE OF FACILITY: public water supply; RULES VIOLATED: 30 TAC §290.41(c)(3)(Q), by failing to ensure that all openings to the atmosphere are covered with a 16-mesh or finer corrosion resistant screening material or an acceptable equivalent; 30 TAC §290.43(c)(2), by failing to ensure that the facility's ground storage tank hatch remains locked except during inspections and maintenance; 30 TAC §290.46(e) and Texas Health and Safety Code, §341.033(a), by failing to use a water works operator who holds an applicable, valid license issued by the executive director (ED); 30 TAC §290.46(f)(2) and (3)(A)(vii), by failing to maintain water works operation and maintenance records and make them readily available for review by the ED upon request; and 30 TAC §290.46(m), by failing to initiate maintenance and housekeeping practices to ensure the good working condition and general appearance of the system's facilities and equipment; PENALTY: $1,264; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Ashley Lemke, (512) 239-1118; REGIONAL OFFICE: 5425 Polk Street, Suite H, Houston, Texas 77023-1452, (713) 767-3500.

(21) COMPANY: Trent Water Works, Incorporated; DOCKET NUMBER: 2023-0970-PWS-E; IDENTIFIER: RN101202752; LOCATION: Jones Creek, Brazoria County; TYPE OF FACILITY: public water supply; RULE VIOLATED: 30 TAC §290.39(l)(5), by failing to meet the conditions for an issued exception; PENALTY: $900; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Tessa Bond, (512) 239-1269; REGIONAL OFFICE: P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087, (512) 239-2545.

(22) COMPANY: UIRC-GSA Cotulla TX, LLC; DOCKET NUMBER: 2023-0831-PWS-E; IDENTIFIER: RN103779542; LOCATION: Cotulla, La Salle County; TYPE OF FACILITY: public water supply; RULE VIOLATED: 30 TAC §290.46(m)(4), by failing to maintain all water treatment units, storage and pressure maintenance facilities, distribution system lines, and related appurtenances in a watertight condition and free of excessive solids; PENALTY: $250; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Tessa Bond, (512) 239-1269; REGIONAL OFFICE: P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087, (512) 239-2545.


Gitanjali Yadav

Deputy Director, Litigation Division

Texas Commission on Environmental Quality

Filed: January 28, 2025

Notice of a Public Meeting and a Proposed Renewal with Amendment of General Permit WQG100000 Authorizing the Disposal of Wastewater

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ or commission) is proposing to renew and amend State Only General Permit No. WQG100000. This general permit authorizes wastewater generated by industrial or water treatment facilities to be disposed of by evaporation from surface impoundments adjacent to water in the state. This general permit does not authorize the discharge of wastewater into water in the state. The draft general permit applies to the entire state of Texas. General permits are authorized by Texas Water Code, §26.040.

DRAFT GENERAL PERMIT. The executive director has prepared a draft general permit renewal with amendments of an existing general permit that authorizes wastewater generated by industrial or water treatment facilities to be disposed of by evaporation from surface impoundments adjacent to water in the state. This general permit does not authorize the discharge of wastewater into water in the state. No significant degradation of high quality waters is expected and existing uses will be maintained and protected. The executive director proposes to require regulated entities to submit a Notice of Intent to obtain authorization under the general permit.

The executive director has reviewed this action for consistency with the goals and policies of the Texas Coastal Management Program (CMP) according to General Land Office regulations and has determined that the action is consistent with applicable CMP goals and policies.

On the date that this notice is published, a copy of the draft general permit and fact sheet will be available for a minimum of 30 days for viewing and copying at the TCEQ Office of the Chief Clerk located at the TCEQ Austin office, at 12100 Park 35 Circle, Building F. These documents will also be available at the TCEQ's 16 regional offices and on the TCEQ website at

PUBLIC COMMENT AND PUBLIC MEETING. You may submit public comments on this proposed general permit in writing or orally at the public meeting held by the TCEQ. The purpose of a public meeting is to provide the opportunity to submit written or oral comment or to ask questions about the proposed general permit. A public meeting is not a contested case hearing.

The hybrid in-person and virtual public meeting will be held at 9:30 a.m., March 10, 2025, in TCEQ's complex at 12100 Park 35 Circle, Building F, Room 2210, Austin, Texas 78753.

Information for registering and attending the public meeting virtually is available at

Written public comments must be received by the Office of the Chief Clerk, MC 105, TCEQ, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087 or electronically at within 30 days from the date this notice is published.

ALTERNATIVE LANGUAGE NOTICE. Alternative language notice in Spanish is available at El aviso de idioma alternativo en español está disponible en

APPROVAL PROCESS. After the comment period, the executive director will consider all the public comments and prepare a written response. The response will be filed with the TCEQ Office of the Chief Clerk at least 10 days before the scheduled commission meeting when the commission will consider approval of the general permit. The commission will consider all public comment in making its decision and will either adopt the executive director's response or prepare its own response. The commission will issue its written response on the general permit at the same time the commission issues or denies the general permit. A copy of any issued general permit and response to comments will be made available to the public for inspection at the agency's Austin office. A notice of the commissioners' action on the draft general permit and information on how to access the response to comments will be mailed to each person who submitted a comment. Also, a notice of the commission's action on the draft general permit and the text of its response to comments will be published in the Texas Register.

MAILING LISTS. In addition to submitting public comments, you may ask to be placed on a mailing list to receive future public notices mailed by the TCEQ Office of the Chief Clerk. You may request to be added to: 1) the mailing list for this specific general permit; 2) the permanent mailing list for a specific county; or 3) both. Clearly specify the mailing lists to which you wish to be added and send your request to the TCEQ Office of the Chief Clerk at the address previously mentioned. Unless you otherwise specify, you will be included only on the mailing list for this specific general permit.

INFORMATION. If you need more information about this general permit or the permitting process, please call the TCEQ Public Education Program, toll free, at 1 (800) 687-4040. General information about the TCEQ can be found at our website at:

Persons with disabilities who need special accommodations at the public meeting should call the Office of the Chief Clerk at (512) 239-3300 or 1-800-RELAY-TX (TDD) at least one week prior to the meeting.

Further information may also be obtained by calling Shannon Gibson, TCEQ Water Quality Division, at (512) 239-4284.

Si desea información en español, puede llamar 1 (800) 687-4040.


Charmaine K. Backens

Deputy Director, Environmental Law Division

Texas Commission on Environmental Quality

Filed: January 27, 2025

Notice of Correction to Agreed Order Number 7 (0129T)

In the October 25, 2024, issue of the Texas Register (49 TexReg 8603), the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (commission) published notice of Agreed Orders, specifically Item Number 7, for City of Hitchcock; Docket Number 2022-1112-MWD-E. The error is as submitted by the commission.

The reference to the Docket Number should be corrected to read: "2022-1112-WQ-E."

The reference to the penalty should be corrected to read: "$13,100."

The reference to the Supplemental Environmental Project Offset Amount should be corrected to read: "$10,480."

For questions concerning these errors, please contact Michael Parrish at (512) 239-2548.


Gitanjali Yadav

Deputy Director, Litigation Division

Texas Commission on Environmental Quality

Filed: January 28, 2025

Notice of Correction to Agreed Order Number 24

In the October 4, 2024, issue of the Texas Register (49 TexReg 8198), the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (commission) published notice of Agreed Orders, specifically Item Number 24, for TATUM EXCAVATING COMPANY, INCORPORATED; Docket Number 2024-0262-WQ-E. The error is as submitted by the commission.

The reference to the penalty should be corrected to read: "$28,400."

For questions concerning the error, please contact Michael Parrish at (512) 239-2548.


Gitanjali Yadav

Deputy Director, Litigation Division

Texas Commission on Environmental Quality

Filed: January 28, 2025

Notice of District Petition - TCEQ Internal Control No. D-12172024-032

Notice issued January 23, 2025 TCEQ Internal Control No. D-12172024-032: MTR Indigo Trails LLC and Quadvest LP, (Petitioners) filed a petition for creation of Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 600 (District) of Harris County with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). The petition was filed pursuant to Article XVI, §59 of the Constitution of the State of Texas; Chapters 49 and 54 of the Texas Water Code; 30 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 293; and the procedural rules of the TCEQ. The petition states that: (1) the Petitioners hold title to a majority in value of the land to be included in the proposed District; (2) there are no lienholders on the property to be included in the proposed District; (3) the proposed District will contain approximately 188.476 acres located within Harris County, Texas; and (4) none of the land within the proposed District is within the corporate limits or extraterritorial jurisdiction of any city. The petition further states that the proposed District will: (1) purchase, construct, acquire, maintain, own, operate, repair, improve, and extend waterworks and sanitary sewer systems for residential and commercial purposes; (2) construct, acquire, improve, extend, maintain, and operate works, improvements, facilities, plants, equipment, and appliances helpful or necessary to provide more adequate drainage for the proposed District; (3) control, abate, and amend local storm waters or other harmful excesses of water in the proposed District; (4) and purchase, construct, acquire, improve, maintain, and operate such additional facilities, systems, plants, enterprises, road facilities, and park and recreational facilities as shall be consistent with all of the purposes for which the proposed District is created.

According to the petition, a preliminary investigation has been made to determine the cost of the project, and it is estimated by the Petitioners that the cost of said project will be approximately $33,215,000 ($23,935,000 for water, wastewater, and drainage plus $6,770,000 for recreation plus $2,510,000 for roads).


To view the complete issued notice, view the notice on our website at or call the Office of the Chief Clerk at (512) 239-3300 to obtain a copy of the complete notice. When searching the website, type in the issued date range shown at the top of this document to obtain search results. The TCEQ may grant a contested case hearing on the petition if a written hearing request is filed within 30 days after the newspaper publication of the notice. To request a contested case hearing, you must submit the following: (1) your name (or for a group or association, an official representative), mailing address, daytime phone number, and fax number, if any; (2) the name of the Petitioner and the TCEQ Internal Control Number; (3) the statement "I/we request a contested case hearing"; (4) a brief description of how you would be affected by the petition in a way not common to the general public; and (5) the location of your property relative to the proposed District's boundaries. You may also submit your proposed adjustments to the petition. Requests for a contested case hearing must be submitted in writing to the Office of the Chief Clerk at the address provided in the information section below. The Executive Director may approve the petition unless a written request for a contested case hearing is filed within 30 days after the newspaper publication of this notice. If a hearing request is filed, the Executive Director will not approve the petition and will forward the petition and hearing request to the TCEQ Commissioners for their consideration at a scheduled Commission meeting. If a contested case hearing is held, it will be a legal proceeding similar to a civil trial in state district court. Written hearing requests should be submitted to the Office of the Chief Clerk, MC 105, TCEQ, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087. For information concerning the hearing process, please contact the Public Interest Counsel, MC 103, at the same address. For additional information, individual members of the general public may contact the Districts Review Team, at (512) 239-4691. Si desea información en español, puede llamar al (512) 239-0200. General information regarding TCEQ can be found at our website at


Laurie Gharis

Chief Clerk

Texas Commission on Environmental Quality

Filed: January 29, 2025

Notice of Opportunity to Comment on Agreed Orders of Administrative Enforcement Actions

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ or commission) staff is providing an opportunity for written public comment on the listed Agreed Orders (AOs) in accordance with Texas Water Code (TWC), §7.075. TWC, §7.075, requires that before the commission may approve the AOs, the commission shall allow the public an opportunity to submit written comments on the proposed AOs. TWC, §7.075, requires that notice of the opportunity to comment must be published in the Texas Register no later than the 30th day before the date on which the public comment period closes, which in this case is March 11, 2025. TWC, §7.075, also requires that the commission promptly consider any written comments received and that the commission may withdraw or withhold approval of an AO if a comment discloses facts or considerations that indicate that consent is inappropriate, improper, inadequate, or inconsistent with the requirements of the statutes and rules within the commission's jurisdiction or the commission's orders and permits issued in accordance with the commission's regulatory authority. Additional notice of changes to a proposed AO is not required to be published if those changes are made in response to written comments.

A copy of each proposed AO is available for public inspection at both the commission's central office, located at 12100 Park 35 Circle, Building A, 3rd Floor, Austin, Texas 78753, (512) 239-3400 and at the applicable regional office listed as follows. Written comments about an AO should be sent to the attorney designated for the AO at the commission's central office at P.O. Box 13087, MC 175, Austin, Texas 78711-3087 and must be received by 5:00 p.m. on March 11, 2025. The designated attorney is available to discuss the AOs and/or the comment procedure at the listed phone number; however, TWC, §7.075, provides that comments on an AO shall be submitted to the commission in writing.

(1) COMPANY: Canyon Lake Estates Water Supply Corporation; DOCKET NUMBER: 2023-0258-UTL-E; TCEQ ID NUMBER: RN101220309; LOCATION: 1403 Fuller Drive, Canyon Lake, Comal County; TYPE OF FACILITY: retail public utility, exempt utility, or provider or conveyor of potable or raw water service; RULE VIOLATED: TWC, §13.1394(b)(2), by failing to submit to TCEQ for approval an emergency preparedness plan ("EPP") that demonstrates the Utility's ability to provide emergency operations; PENALTY: $645; STAFF ATTORNEY: Allison Alt, Litigation, MC 175, (512) 239-6944; REGIONAL OFFICE: San Antonio Regional Office, 14250 Judson Road, San Antonio, Texas 78233-4480, (210) 490-3096.

(2) COMPANY: WOODLAKE-JOSSERAND WATER SUPPLY CORPORATION; DOCKET NUMBER: 2023-0193-UTL-E; TCEQ ID NUMBER: RN101452621; LOCATION: 4025 East United States Highway 287 near Woodlake, Trinity County; TYPE OF FACILITY: retail public utility, exempt utility, or provider or conveyor of potable or raw water service; RULE VIOLATED: TWC, §13.1394(b)(2), by failing to adopt and submit to TCEQ for approval an emergency preparedness plan (EPP) that demonstrates the Utility's ability to provide emergency operations; PENALTY: $725; STAFF ATTORNEY: Allison Alt, Litigation, MC 175, (512) 239-6944; REGIONAL OFFICE: Beaumont Regional Office, 3870 Eastex Freeway, Beaumont, Texas 77703-1830, (409) 898-3838.


Gitanjali Yadav

Deputy Director, Litigation

Texas Commission on Environmental Quality

Filed: January 28, 2025

Update to the Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP)

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ or commission) requests comments from the public on the draft January 2025 Update to the WQMP for the State of Texas.

Download the draft January 2025 WQMP Update at or view a printed copy at the TCEQ Library, Building A, 12100 Park 35 Circle, Austin, Texas.

The WQMP is developed and promulgated in accordance with the requirements of the federal Clean Water Act, Section 208. The draft update includes projected effluent limits of specific domestic dischargers, which may be useful for planning in future permit actions. The draft update may also contain service area populations for listed wastewater treatment facilities, designated management agency information, and total maximum daily load (TMDL) revisions.

Once the commission certifies a WQMP update, it is submitted to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for approval. For some Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) permits, the EPA's approval of a corresponding WQMP update is a necessary precondition to TPDES permit issuance by the commission.


All comments must be received at the TCEQ no later than 5:00 p.m. on March 11, 2025.

How to Submit Comments

Comments must be submitted in writing to:

Maria Benitez

Texas Commission on Environmental Quality

Water Quality Division, MC 148

P.O. Box 13087

Austin, Texas 78711-3087

Comments may also be faxed to (512) 239-4420 or emailed to Maria Benitez at but must be followed up with written comments by mail within five working days of the fax or email date or by the comment deadline, whichever is sooner.

For further information, or questions, please contact Ms. Benitez at (512) 239-6705 or by email at


Charmaine Backens

Deputy Director, Environmental

Texas Commission on Environmental Quality

Filed: January 28, 2025

General Land Office

Notice and Opportunity to Comment on Requests for Consistency Agreement/Concurrence Under the Texas Coastal Management Program

On January 10, 1997, the State of Texas received federal approval of the Coastal Management Program (CMP) (62 Federal Register pp. 1439 - 1440). Under federal law, federal agency activities and actions affecting the Texas coastal zone must be consistent with the CMP goals and policies identified in 31 TAC Chapter 26. Requests for federal consistency review were deemed administratively complete for the following project(s) during the period of, January 13, 2025 to January 17, 2025. As required by federal law, the public is given an opportunity to comment on the consistency of proposed activities in the coastal zone undertaken or authorized by federal agencies. Pursuant to 31 TAC §§30.20(f), 30.30(h), and 30.40(e), the public comment period extends 30 days from the date published on the Texas General Land Office web site. The notice was published on the web site on Friday, January 31, 2025. The public comment period for this project will close at 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, February 30, 2025.

Federal Agency Activities:

Applicant: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Location: The project alternatives are located along the coast of Texas.

Project Description: The Deepwater Horizon (DWH) Oil Spill Texas Trustee Implementation Group (TIG) is comprised of federal and state Trustees: the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Texas General Land Office, and Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. The Texas TIG is proposing seven preferred Wetlands, Coastal, and Nearshore Habitats Restoration projects for implementation:

- Anahuac NWR Roberts Mueller Tract Wetland Restoration

- Goose Island Wetland Restoration

- Lower Neches WMA Old River Unit Wetland Restoration

- McFaddin NWR Willow Lake Terraces Wetland Restoration

- San Bernard NWR Sargent Oil Field Wetland Restoration

- Schicke Point Wetland Restoration

- Texas Point NWR Wetland Restoration

Type of Application: Draft Restoration Plan/Environmental Assessment titled: "Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Texas Trustee Implementation Group Draft Restoration Plan/Environmental Assessment #3: Restoration of Wetlands, Coastal, and Nearshore Habitats" (Draft RP/EA #3).

CMP Project No: 25-1105-F2

Further information on the applications listed above, including a copy of the consistency certifications or consistency determinations for inspection, may be obtained from the Texas General Land Office Public Information Officer at 1700 N. Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas 78701, or via email at Comments should be sent to the Texas General Land Office Coastal Management Program Coordinator at the above address or via email at


Jennifer Jones

Chief Clerk and Deputy Land Commissioner

General Land Office

Filed: January 28, 2025

Texas Health and Human Services Commission

Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Rule Amendments for Reimbursement Methodology for Physician and Other Practitioners, and Reimbursement Methodologies for Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) Services

Hearing. The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) will conduct a public hearing on February 24, 2025, at 9:00 a.m., to receive public comments on proposed rule amendments to 1 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) §355.8085, Reimbursement Methodology for Physicians and Other Practitioners; and §355.8441, Reimbursement Methodologies for Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) Services (also known as Texas Health Steps).

This hearing will be conducted online only. There is not a physical location for this hearing. To join the hearing from your computer, tablet, or smartphone, register for the hearing in advance using the following link:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. Instructions for dialing-in by phone will be provided after you register.

If you are new to GoToWebinar, please download the GoToMeeting app at before the hearing starts.

A recording of the hearing will be archived and can be accessed on-demand at

Proposal. The rule amendments to 1 TAC §355.8085, Reimbursement Methodology for Physicians and Other Practitioners; and §355.8441, Reimbursement Methodologies for EPSDT Services, are proposed to be effective May 14, 2025.

Briefing Packet: Interested parties may obtain a copy of the proposed preamble and rule amendments in the January, 31 2025, issue of the Texas Register at or by contacting HHSC Provider Finance by telephone at (512) 730-7401, by fax at (512) 730-7475, or by email at

Written Comments. Written comments regarding the proposed rule amendments may be submitted instead of, or in addition to, oral testimony until 11:59 p.m. on March 3, 2025. Written comments may be sent by U.S. mail to the Texas Health and Human Services Commission, Attention: Provider Finance, Mail Code H-400, P.O. Box 149030, Austin, Texas 78714-9030; by fax to Provider Finance at (512) 730-7475; or by email to Please include "Comments on Proposed §355.8085 and §355.8441" in the subject line. In addition, written comments may be sent by overnight mail to Texas Health and Human Services Commission, Attention: Provider Finance, Mail Code H-400, North Austin Complex, 4601 W. Guadalupe St, Austin, Texas 78751.

Contact. Questions regarding the hearing or meeting arrangements should be directed to

Persons with disabilities who wish to participate in the hearing and require auxiliary aids or services should contact Provider Finance at (512) 730-7401 at least 72 hours before the hearing so appropriate arrangements can be made.


Karen Ray

Chief Counsel

Texas Health and Human Services Commission

Filed: January 28, 2025

Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs

Correction of Dates for Comment Period

The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (the Department) proposed amendments to 10 TAC §§1.401, 1.403, 1.404 and 1.407 in the January 31, 2025, issue of the Texas Register (50 TexReg 602). Due to an error by the Department, the dates for the public comment period associated with the proposed amendments were published incorrectly. The public comment period began at 8:00 a.m. Austin local time on January 31, 2025, and ends at 5:00 p.m. Austin local time on March 4, 2025. Comments received after 5:00 p.m. Austin local time on March 4, 2025, will not be accepted.


Bobby Wilkinson

Executive Director

Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs

Filed: January 28, 2025

Texas Department of Insurance

Company Licensing

Application for Agents National Title Insurance Company, a foreign title company, to change its name to Essent Title Insurance, Inc. The home offices is in Columbia, Missouri.

Application to do business in the state of Texas for HiRoad Assurance Company, a foreign fire and/or casualty company. The home office is in Bloomington, Illinois.

Application for incorporation in the state of Texas for CopperGuard Insurance Company, a domestic fire and/or casualty company. The home office is in Westlake, Texas.

Application for American Mercury Lloyds Insurance Company, a domestic fire and/or casualty company, to change its name to Mercury Insurance Company of Texas. The home office is in Austin, Texas.

Application for Central Mutual Insurance Company, a foreign fire and/or casualty company, to change its name to Central Insurance Company. The home office is in Van Wert, Ohio.

Application for incorporation in the state of Texas for The Homeowners Reciprocal Exchange, a domestic reciprocal. The home office is in Houston, Texas.

Any objections must be filed with the Texas Department of Insurance, within twenty (20) calendar days from the date of the Texas Register publication, addressed to the attention of Andrew Guerrero, 1601 Congress Ave., Suite 6.900, Austin, Texas 78711.


Justin Beam

Chief Clerk

Texas Department of Insurance

Filed: January 22, 2025

Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation

Notice of Vacancies on Texas Water Well Drillers Advisory Council

The Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (Department) announces two vacancies on the Texas Water Well Drillers Advisory Council (Council) established by the Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 1901. The pertinent rules may be found in 16 TAC §76.65. The purpose of the Council is to advise the Texas Commission of Licensing and Regulation (Commission) on the contents of the licensing examination, the evaluation and recommendation of standards for continuing education programs, and rules for adoption by the Commission relating to the regulation of drillers registered under this chapter. Service as a Board member is voluntary, and compensation is not authorized by law. This announcement is for:

- two public members.

Members serve staggered six-year terms expiring September 15. The Council is composed of nine members appointed by the presiding officer of the Commission, with the approval of the Commission. The Council consists of the following:

1. six licensed drillers who are residents of this state. One driller shall be selected from the state at large and one of each of the remaining five drillers shall be selected from the:

a. Gulf Coast,

b. Trans-Pecos,

c. Central Texas,

d. Northeast Texas, and

e. Panhandle-South Plains areas; and

2. three members must be representatives of the public.

A person is not eligible for public membership if the person or the person's spouse is licensed by an occupational regulatory agency in the field of well drilling, or is employed by, participates in the management of, or has, other than as a consumer, a financial interest in a business entity or other organization related to the field of well drilling.

Interested persons should submit an application on the Department website at: Applicants can also request an application from the Department by e-mail at

These are not paid positions and there is no compensation or reimbursement for serving on the Council.

Issued in Austin, Texas this February 7, 2025.


Courtney Arbour

Executive Director

Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation

Filed: January 28, 2025

North Central Texas Council of Governments

Request for Proposals RAISE FY21 EV Charging Stations

The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) is requesting written proposals from qualified vendors for up to five (5) DC Fast Charge electric vehicle charging stations to support light-duty cutaway electric transit buses in the Southern Dallas County Inland Port area. Services to include manufacture, delivery, installation, and ongoing maintenance and operations in a turn-key service of the charging infrastructure.

Proposals must be received in-hand no later than 5:00 p.m., Central Time, on Friday, March 7, 2025, to Gypsy Gavia, Program Manager, North Central Texas Council of Governments, 616 Six Flags Drive, Arlington, Texas 76011 and electronic submissions to The Request for Proposals will be available at by the close of business on Friday, February 7, 2025.

NCTCOG encourages participation by disadvantaged business enterprises and does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, religion, sex, national origin, or disability.


Mike Eastland

Executive Director

North Central Texas Council of Governments

Filed: January 29, 2025